Love never fails

The vulcanic keep having this impact, ash and things are coming out and if there will be more vulcanic eruption: it could be hard to work. I still haven't found a bike, and I've been wasting a lot of money to buses/trains here and there, just because of bad information. But it doesn't matter, I have butterflies in my stomach.

I've got this hope for the future. Even though there are months left of hard work. But it feels great, there might be a place for me out there somewhere. I don't know exactly what's going on. but it's gonna be great. My korean mom did send this quote to me: God give us grace to accept with serenety, the things that cannot be change, courage to change the things that should be change and the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.

We have the liberty to do what we want with our lives, some may have better conditions than other. But we all can be a part of something bigger. Make a difference where we are right now, and futuer: Here we come!




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